Sunday, 21 April 2013

ODANI, Motohiko

magritte foundation

magritte foundation


The Fondation Magritte is involved in mounting many exhibitions throughout the world. In 1998 it supported the impressive retrospective to mark the centenary of René Magritte’s birth staged by the Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts in Brussels.

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A Committee for the Authentification of Works by René Magritte was set up under the aegis of the Fondation Magritte. The Fondation took this initiative in order to protect Magritte’s oeuvre and to continue the enormous task formerly performed by the authors of the catalogue raisonné.


The Fondation Magritte has helped to found the Centre de Recherches René Magritte at the Université Libre in Brussels. The Centre’s main aim is to promote research on Magritte by publishing several documents and by gathering and developing archives of written and visual materials.

MAGRITTE . documental del artista surrealista

MAGRITTE . documental del artista surrealista

Saturday, 20 April 2013

MIA COUTO: beijo


Não quero o primeiro beijo:
o instante antes do beijo.
corpo ante o abismo,
terra no rasgão do sismo.
O lábio ardendo
entre tremor e temor,
o escurecer da luz
no desaguar dos corpos:
o amor
não tem depois.
Quero o vulcão
que na terra não toca:
o beijo antes de ser boca.

No livro "Tradutor de chuvas"

Rodin: o beijo


Morre autor da capa de 'The Dark Side of the Moon'


Morre autor da capa de 'The Dark Side of the Moon'

Atualizado em  19 de abril, 2013 - 05:33 (Brasília) 08:33 GMT
O artista Storm Thorgerson diante de reprodução de sua obra mais famosa, a capa do disco 'The Dark Side of The Moon' (PA)
Thorgerson vinha há anos lutando contra um câncer
O artista visual Storm Thorgerson, autor da capa do clássico disco The Dark Side of the Moon, do Pink Floyd, morreu aos 69 anos na quinta-feira, em decorrência de um câncer.
Thorgensen era um amigo de infância dos integrantes da banda e criou memoráveis capas de álbuns do grupo inglês, além de capas do Led Zeppelin, Peter Gabriel e Muse.
Thorgerson começou sua carreira com a trupe de design britânica Hipgnosis, criada no final dos anos 60. Seu trabalho no comando da equipe de designers fez dele um dos artistas de estilo mais inconfundível do mundo da música pop.
Entre suas criações com o Pink Floyd figuram a vaca de ar triste da capa de Atom Heart Mother, o homem de negócios em chamas de Wish You Were Here, o gigantesco porco voador sobrevoando a usina termelétrica de Battersea, do álbum Animals, e um prisma liberando um feixe de cores emThe Dark Side of the Moon.

'Criação' da natureza

Em uma entrevista à BBC em 2009, Thorgerson falou com modéstia sobre sua criação mais famosa. "É uma ideia boa, mas simples. A refração da luz por um prisma é algo comum na natureza, como em um arco-íris. Eu gostaria de reivindicar a ideia como sendo minha, mas infelizmente ela não é minha!".
A ideia, conta Thorgerson, surgiu a partir de um desafio lançado pelo tecladista do Pink Floyd, Richard Wright.
"Ele disse, de forma provocadora: 'Não vamos pegar suas fotos, não. Nós já usamos suas fotos antes. Não dá para termos uma mudança? Um gráfico bacana - alguma coisa chique, estilosa, elegante.'"
O guitarrista e cantor do Pink Floyd, Dave Guilmour, divulgou um comunicado dizendo que as capas criadas por Thorgerson para a banda se tornaram "uma parte inseparável de nosso trabalho".
"Nós nos conhecemos no começo da adolescência. Nos reuníamos em Sheep's Green, um lugar à beira do rio em Cambridge, e Storm estava sempre na ativa, fazendo barulho, cheio de ideias e entusiasmo. Nada mudou ao longo dos anos. Ele foi uma força constante em minha vida, tanto no trabalho como na vida privada. Ele foi um ombro para chorar e um grande amigo. Eu sentirei sua falta."
Um comunicado postado no site oficial da banda, Pink, afirma: "Estamos tristes com a notícia de que nosso gênio gráfico, amigo de longa data e colaborador, Storm Thorgerson, morreu. Nossos pensamentos estão com sua família e seus muitos amigos".
A família do artista divulgou um comunicado dizendo que Thorgenson havia morrido em paz na quinta-feira, cercado da família e de amigos.

TateShots: Storm Thorgerson on Magritte

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Sunday, 14 April 2013

Às vezes ouço passar o vento

Às vezes ouço passar o vento; 
e só de ouvir o vento passar, 
vale a pena ter nascido

~ Fernando Pessoa

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

japanese mythology



japanese mythology


Japanese mythologyPresentation Transcript

  • 1. Anđela Knežević II3, Filološka gimnazija Beograd
  • 2. Japan is an islandcountry in EastAsia. Japanesearchipelago consistsof many islands butthe four largestislands are Honshu,Hokkaido, Kyushu,and Shikoku. Shintoism(,,way ofthe gods”) isJapan’s oldestreligion.
  • 3. This story isdescribed inKojiki,which is thefirst book written inJapan. This storydescribes the birthof heavenly andearthly world, thebirth of the firstgods and the birth ofthe Japanesearchipelago.
  • 4. At the beginning theuniverse was sunk insilence. The first deities whichcame into existence arecollectively calledKotoamatsukami. The first twogenerations are calledhitorigami, , while thefive that followed cameinto being asmale/female pairs ofkami.The mostimportant couple areIzanagi and Izanami.
  • 5. After their birthIzanagi and Izanamistood on the floatingbridge of heaven andstirred the primevalocean with a jeweledspear. They made a island anddescended there. They got married. Their child wasdeformed because theymade a mistake. They got marriedagain, Izanami soon gave a birth to eight children,who became the islandsof Japan.
  • 6. When Izanami died, Izanagidecided to go there and bringhis beloved back from the landof death.When he came,she warned himnot to look at her.However,he saw her and hewas horrified to see thatIzanami was a rotting corpse.Angry that Izanagi had notrespected her wishes, Izanamisent hideous female spirits,eight thunder gods, and anarmy of fierce warriors tochase him.Izanagi felt unclean becauseof his contact with the dead,and he took a bath to purifyhimself.Then when he washedhis left eye the sun goddessAmaterasu appeared,from hisright Tsuki-yomi appeared andSusanoo appeared from hisnose.…
  • 7. Amaterasu is themain Japanesegodness.According to legend,she is the firstancestor of theimperial family ofJapan. She was in a fightwith her brotherSusanoo. The legend says thatAmaterasu wasfurious atSusanoo,she went intoa cave and locked theentrance. So the sundisappeared .Thenother gods tried tolure her out the cave.
  • 8. It is a shrinededicated togoddessAmaterasu. It is sacredplace in Japan. Ise shrine isreconstuctedevery 20 years.
  • 9. Tsukuyomi is the moon god. Amaterasu was his wife but he angered her when he killedthe food godness .After that she refused to ever look athim.And then she moved to another part of the sky. This isthe reason that day and night are never together.
  • 10. Susanoo is a god of the sea andstorms.He is also considered to be rulerof Yomi.Susanoo envied his sisterspower over the sun and hisbrothers power over the moon.After Amaterasu left the cave,Susanoo was punished by beingbanished from Heaven.Susanoô went to live in Izumo inwestern Japan, where he hadvarious adventures and began touse his powers for good.
  • 11. •Jorogumo is a typeof Yokai.•According to somestories, a Jorogumois a spider that canchange itsappearance intoseductive woman.•When it turns 400years, it gainsmagical powers.
  • 12. The beautifulwoman would enticea man into a quietshack and she wouldplay a Biwa.Whilethe victim isdistracted by thesound of theinstrument, shewould bind him inspider silk threadsin order to devourthe unsuspectingperson as her nextmeal.
  • 13. •It is large fire-breathingchicken monster.•The fire is a coldfire, a glow, andit does not burn.
  • 14. They really exist.Heikegani Crabs area species ofarthropod native toJapan. Originally,Japanese mythstates that thesecrabs bore the facesof Heike samuraithat died in thebattle of Dan-no-ura, and indeed, thebodies of thesecrabs do in factresemble human
  • 15. Amazake-babaa isan old womanyokai.She comes tothe doors of housesat late night askingfor sweet sake in achild like voice, butif anyone answersthey fall ill.She was also knownas the godness ofchickenpox.
  • 16. A tree spirit thatgrows in areas wheremass amounts ofhuman blood werespilled on the groundsuch as battle fields orexecution sites. Theysucked up so much ofthis blood that theyturned into demons.These trees, havingsucked up humansblood to born, willbleed off blood whentheyre cut.
  • 17. Sometimes on rainyevenings, thisinnocuous weatherspirit can be seenrunning about andsplashing playfullyin the puddles. Itappears as a strangechild, carrying apaper lantern andwearing a peculiarhat fashioned fromthe husk of an oldumbrella.
  • 18. In Japanese mythologyOnamazu is a giantcatfish who causes anearthquakes. It lives inthe mud under theislands of Japan.Namazu is so engrainedin Japanese culture he ispictured on many of thecountry’s earthquake-warning devices.Namazu remains adelicate topic in Japan— a Pokemon episodefeaturing a similarcatfish monster,wasbanned when it was
  • 19. The Makura-gaeshiis a trickster spiritfamous for…moving pillowswhile people sleep.Some sources saythey also sprinklesand in the eyes andsteal souls, but,really, what they’reknown for is movingpillows.
  • 20. A kawauso is a riverotter with thesupernatural abilityto become human.In most stories thekawauso aredepicted as dressingas young, poorchildren or womento attract people, toonly then kill andeat them.
  • 21. •The Kasa-obake isa type ofTsukumogami – anobject thatspontaneouslycomes to lifeafter existing for100 years.•It is an animatedparasol.

‘Yearning for a more beautiful world’: Pre-Raphaelite and Symbolist works from the collection of Isabel Goldsmith