ClimArtEdu filmes

ClimArteEdu - artes fílmicas
por Michèle Sato

Fernando Gregory (México): movie night


 directed by Hans Jørgen Rasmussen, Norway


 A história da Terra na visão de uma rocha (5:43)

Art climate change, 2015 -- CLIMARTE (1:07)

Climate kid - Unicef (1:48)
Animation by Tom Baker

Climate on the Wall - COP23, Bonn, Ge, 2017 (2:52)

COP21 - 2015, Paris
Inside the COP21 - Paris 2015 - [360°/VR Video]

Earth from space (12:45)
Soundtrack: Beethoven

Gênesis (5:22)
Sebastião Salgado - entrevista

Mudança climática – animação (5:08)

OMS - Mudanças Climáticas (0:30)
Panorâmica comunicação

Sierra Club: Women and Climate Disruption (1:18)
Director: Zac Dixon

Street art fights global warming (1:13)

Waiting for climate change (2:21)
Château des ducs de Bretagne. Nantes, France

Aprendendo a  enfrentar as mudanças climática

Isaac Cordal: politicians debating global warming

The planet Earth - 2006
Doug Allan, narration of David Attenborough

On climate change by David Attenborough

A Terra em 100 Anos e o Simulador Terrestre (46min)
Discovery - 2015

The silent drama of photography (16:53) - 2016
Sebastião Salgado - Technology, Entertainment and Design [TED]

Permaculture Food Forest Introduction - Sharing of Practical Methods and Experiences (13:50)
Director: Pete Russel - 2017

Megastorm Aftermath
Director: Miles O'Brien
Aftermath - TV series

“Those worlds in space are as countless as all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the Earth. Each of those worlds is as real as ours. In every one of them, there’s a succession of incidence, events, occurrences which influence its future. Countless worlds, numberless moments, an immensity of space and time. And our small planet, at this moment, here we face a critical branch-point in the history. What we do with our world, right now, will propagate down through the centuries and powerfully affect the destiny of our descendants. It is well within our power to destroy our civilisation, and perhaps our species as well. If we capitulate to superstition, or greed, or stupidity we can plunge our world into a darkness deeper than time between the collapse of classical civilisation and the Italian Renaissance. But, we are also capable of using our compassion and our intelligence, our technology and our wealth, to make an abundant and meaningful life for every inhabitant of this planet. To enhance enormously our understanding of the Universe, and to carry us to the stars.”

-- Carl Sagan: man and his arrogance
Royal Institution Christmas Lectures - London, 1977

CINEMA - Ordem cronológica

The Day After Tomorrow (2:04:05) - 2004

End day (48m) - 2005

An Inconvenient Truth (2:35:00) - 2006
[wikicinemaDirector: Davis Guggenheim (research by Al Gore)

Home (1:33:26) - 2009
[sinopseDireção e fotografia de Yann Arthus-Bertrand (narração de Glenn Close) (narração em PT)

Planet Ocean (1:29:00) - 2012
[sinopseDireção de Yann Arthus-Bertrand & Michael Pitiot

The Beasts of the Southern Wild (1:33:00) - 2012
[wikicinemaDirector: Benh Zeitlin

Snowpiercer (2:06:00) - 2013

Caminhando Sobre a Terra - Uma viagem a 10 lugares ameaçados no Planeta (1:22:06) - 2014
[informaçõesPesquisa e direção de Thiago Cóstackz

Interstellar (2:50:00) - 2014

Chloe and Theo (1h52m) - 2015

Demain (1h52m) - 2015
[wikicinemaMélanie Laurent & Cyril Dion (EN subtitle: tomorrow)

Terra (1:30:00) - 2015
[sinopseDireção de Yann Arthus-Bertrand & Michael Pitiot (narração em PT)

Food and choices (1h31m) - 2016

Hell (1:30:00) - 2016

              Earth from above                                         human
                                             Yann Arthus-Bertrand

Festival Internacional de Cinema Ambiental e Direitos HumanosEcocine

Festival Internacional de Filme Ambiental – FICA

Mostra Ecofalante

Saving our planet

Spoiler alerts: the five best climate-change films

Marjolein Dallinga: racines rouges

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‘Yearning for a more beautiful world’: Pre-Raphaelite and Symbolist works from the collection of Isabel Goldsmith