Thursday, 31 January 2013

Kirikú e a Feiticeira

adital jovem

31.01.13 - África
Kirikú e a Feiticeira
Numa aldeia do Senegal, África Ocidental, nasce Kiriku. Ele nasce minúsculo, mas tem uma importante missão: Libertar seu povo da malvada feiticeira Karabá. Kiriku enfrente grandes perigos e se aventura por lugares que somente os pequeninos conseguem entrar. Kiriku com seus dons especiais trilham caminhos da ética e dos valores e abordam de forma simples e direta questões como: a verdade, a dor, o amor, o perdão, a indiferença, o medo, a amizade e a transformação pela atitude. A lenda africana é rica em ensinamentos e graciosamentecompartilha a cultura e a tradição do povo africano.
Ano: 1998
Origem: França
Direção: Michel Ocelot

Thursday, 17 January 2013

The Art of the Exquisite Corpse


The Art of the Exquisite Corpse

Here at Threyda we love to see people collaborate. Lucky for us in this modern age it happens more than ever – people from all over the globe are creating things together thanks to the internet and modern travel and shipping possibilities. One of my favorite forms of creative collaboration going on is called The Exquisite Corpse. The name may be rather misleading – there isn’t necessarily a corpse involved – rather it comes from part of a French expression used by the Surrealist artists in the early 1900s that are credited with starting this method.
In an Exquisite Corpse drawing each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence, either by following a rule or by being allowed to see a small portion of what the previous person contributed. For example, one artist will create a pencil drawing that covers half a sheet of paper, then mail it to another artist with their drawing covered except for one exposed inch. The next artist will continue their portion from this exposed inch, often making it a mostly “blind” collaboration.
The end results are creations built on an awesome mixture of randomness and mutual trust in the other person’s skills. Below is a collection of exquisite corpses made both by artists from our collective and a few from artists outside our group. Take note how many of these are made by Bernard Dumaine – he has been an amazingly productive contributor to the world of EQ.

“Creation Nexus” by Fabian Jimenez and Laura Borealisis

 Memzu and Sakaaali

 Sander Jansen with Zachary Cain 

“Collabone” by koalaacid and knotty-inks

“It’s Only Natural” by Bernard Dumaine and Christine Hatziapostolou

“Lady of the Forest” – Bernard Dumaine with Thomas Bosser

“Mutations” by Bernard Dumaine and Elle Gotzi

“Tempus Fugit” – Bernard Dumaine with Sheela Singla

Bernard Dumaine and Sheela Singla

Sunday, 6 January 2013

liu bolin

liu bolin


‘Yearning for a more beautiful world’: Pre-Raphaelite and Symbolist works from the collection of Isabel Goldsmith